
애견 호텔 & 유치원 추천 | 2022 BEST 3 광주

<광주 애견유치원&호텔 추천> 

집을 자주 비우거나 반려동물을 데리고 갈 수 없을때는 애견 호텔 또는 유치원에 맡기는게 주인에게도 아이들에게도 바람직합니다.

광주에 있는 BEST 3(캣동산, 반려식탁, 멍스토어)을 소개합니다.


애견 호텔 & 유치원 캣동산

-주소: 광주광역시 북구 북분대로 31-1, 2층 

-전화번호: 010-2367-9358

-영업시간 : 매일 10:00~20:00 

광주에 있는 캣동산은 탁묘가 가능한 고양이 전문 호텔입니다.

총 6개의 객실로 이루어져 있으며 노령묘를 위한 전용객실이 따로 준비되어 있습니다.

고양이는 하루정도 주인이 없어도 큰 문제가 없지만 장기 여행을 간다거나 혼자 둘 일이생기면 호텔링을 해야합니다.

고양이 전문 호텔이 많이 없어서 보호자들이 불편함을 감수해야하는 점이 많습니다.

캣동산은 캣폴, 캣타워, 캣 휠등 고양이 전문 시설들이 최신으로 설치 되어 있습니다.

또 먼치킨 종류의 키가 작은 고양이들이이용할 수 있는 객실이 따로 있는데요 모든 구조가 낮게 꾸며져 있습니다.

객실 별로 환기시설과 온돌설치도 되어져 있으며 개별 방마다 cctv가 설치 되어 있어 24시간 내내 반려묘를 관찰할 수 있습니다.

호텔에서 간식과 사료도 제공해준다고 하니 상담 후 이용해 보시는것을 추천드립니다. 

캣동산 바로가기


애견 유치원-반려식탁

-주소: 광주광역시 서구 풍암순환로 188번길 34 

-전화번호 0507-1329-5661

-영업시간 : 09:00~19:00 / 토요일 01:00~19:00 / 일요일 10:00~19:00 / 16:00~18:00 휴게시간 

반려식탁은 강아지 전문 호텔입니다.

강아지 전문 브리더가 직접 운영을 하고 있기 때문에 강아지 특성에 맞게 호텔이용을 진행합니다.

호텔링 뿐만 아니라 반려견 성격 과 행동교정 출장서비스를 이용할 수 있습니다.

분리불안, 스트레스 해소, 사회성 수업 등 여러가지 강아지 유치원에서 제공하는 서비스를 상담 받을 수 있습니다.

처음 호텔을 이용해 보거나소심한 성격의 강아지들도 잘 적응 할 수 있도록 전문가의 관리를 받을 수 있으며 산책, 여러가지 놀이와 훈련프로그램을운영합니다.

반려식탁이라는 이름에 걸맞게 강아지 전용 수제간식을 판매하고 있는데요 신선한재료를 이용하여 첨가물을 첨가하지 않고 영양을 꼼꼼하게 따져서 만든 다양한 간식들이 있습니다.

오리화식 , 소고기 화식, 무뼈닭발, 치석제거도가리오리말이, 간단밀키트 화식 등 강아지 기호에 맞게 직접 개발한 다양한 강아지 음식들을 구매할 수 있으니 자세한정보를 확인하고 이용해보시는 것을 추천드립니다. 

반려식탁 바로가기



-주소: 광주 서구 상일로24번길 17-1

-전화번호:  0507-1438-3940

-영업시간 : 매일 09:00~20:00 / 호텔링 연중무휴 

광주 쌍촌역 주변 위치한 멍스토어는 구청에서 애견 위탁업시설로 정식 허가받은 업체입니다.

운동장을 2개로 나누어 운영하고 있으며 견종의 크기별로 소형견, 중형견들이 따로 나누어 놀 수 있습니다.

또 호텔룸 또한 소형견, 중형견 방이 사이즈 별로 자체 제작되어져 분리되어 있습니다.

각 배변판과 식기그릇 개별방석과 담요 또한 사이즈 별로 제작 되었으며여름에는 시원한 대리석을 겨울에는 따뜻한 개별난방으로 반려견 들이 불편함 없이 지낼 수 있는 환경이 조성되어 있습니다.

오전에는 아침산책과 배변활동을 한 후에 식사를 진행하고 오후 6시까지는 놀이방을 이용하여 자유시간을 가집니다.

저녁 6시부터 식사후 취침준비를 하는 스케줄을 마련하여 보호자들에게 미리 안내를 해줍니다. 

5년간 한자리에서호텔을 운영하며 많은 단골로 부터 신뢰를 얻고있는 업체인데요 정확한 이용금액과 후기를 확인 하시고 이용하는것을 추천드립니다. 

멍스토어 바로가기

애견카페 추천 | 2022 BEST 5 경기도 파주시

1년 365일 우리의 반려동물들과 매일매일 산책하는것도 좋지만, 사람과 마찬가지고 우리 아이들도 새로운곳에 놀러가고 싶어합니다.

경기도 파주시에 물놀이도 가능한 애견카페 추천에 대한 글입니다.

<경기도 파주시 애견카페 추천>



-주소 : 경기도 파주시 조리읍 능안리 1076-1

-전화번호 : 0507-1395-5931

-휴무일 : 매주 월요일

파주 운정신도시 부근에 위치한 애견카페 플루프를 소개 해드립니다.

넓은 주차장과 천연잔디로 만들어진 운동장을 가지고 있는 카페 인데요 각종 음료와 식사 메뉴까지 즐길 수 있습니다.

반려견 입장료는 1견당 5천원의 요금이 추가되며 사람입장료는 없는 대신 1인1메뉴를 주문해야합니다.

플루프 카페에서 만든 굿즈 상품이나 간식류 등도 구매가 가능하며카페 내부에는 반려견들을 위해 미끄럼 방지로 바닥 시공이 되어져 있습니다.

실내에서 바깥을 볼 수 있는 통유리가 있고테라스와 바깥에 벤치를 이용할 수도 있습니다.

실내에는 강아지 전용 의자가 구비되어 있으며 옥상에는 인조잔디 루프탑이 있습니다.

10kg 이하의 중소형견만 입장이 가능하다고 하니 참고하여 방문하시기 바랍니다.

플루프 바로가기



-주소 : 경기도 파주시 월롱면 영태리 158-14

-전화번호 : 0507-1391-3659

-휴무일 : 매주 월요일

멍클래식은 2층으로 지어진 애견카페 입니다.

10kg이하의 중소형견만 입장이 가능하며 애견 입장료가 3천원으로 다른카페들 보다 저렴한 것이 특징입니다.

사람은 1인1메뉴를 주문해야하며 반려동물들을 위한 멍푸치노 , 그릭요거트 등의메뉴가 있습니다.

반려견의 배변은 견주가 직접 치워야 하며 카운터에서 매너벨트 한 장을 무료로 제공하고 있습니다.

1층은 넓은 천연잔디 운동장과 실내 카페가 있고 2층에는 실내카페, 룸이 있으며 2층 야외 에는 고기를 구워먹을 수 있는바베큐 장이 있는데요 멍클래식에서 직접 바베큐 메뉴를 판매하고 있습니다.

카페 이름에 맞게 클래식 악기로 꾸며진 반려견 포토존이 마련되어 있으며 운동장을 감싸고 펜스가 완벽하게 설치 되어있어 견주들이 마음 놓고 강아지들을 뛰어놀 수 있게 할 수 있습니다.

여름에는 사람과 강아지 모두 사용할 수 있는 벌레기피제도 준비가 되어져 있으며 보통 노키즈존인 애견카페와 달리 어린이 사람도 입장이 가능한 것이 특징입니다.

멍클래식 바로가기

오프리쉬 독파크


-주소 : 경기도 파주시 문산읍 운천리 4-40, 오프리시 독파크

-전화번호 : 0507-1392-8806

파주에 있는 오프리쉬독파크는 “OFF LEASH”의 뜻을가진 즉 입마개와 목줄을 풀고 자유롭게 뛰어놀라는 의미인데요넓은 운동장과 수영장을 가지고 있는것이 이 카페의 가장 큰 특징입니다.

천연잔디운동장은 무려 1200평의 평수를 자랑하며 수영장은 지하 150m 천연암반수를 사용한 수용장 이라고 합니다.

함께 공용으로 즐길 수 있는 퍼블릭존과 예약제, 단독으로만 사용할수 있는 프라이빗존 으로 구분이 되어져 있습니다.

입장요금과 수영장 요금그리고 목욕요금은 별도로내야합니다. 공용존은 15kg 이하의 중소형견 전용입니다.

각종 식사류와 음료등을 즐길 수 있으며 주차장 또한 커서 이용에 불편함이 없습니다.

수영장은 5~9월 까지만 운영이 되며 매일 저녁 8시 까지만 이용이 가능합니다.

프라이빗하게반려견과 수영을 즐길 수 있다는 점이 매우 특별한데요 한번 방문해보시는것을 추천드립니다.

오프리쉬 독파크 바로가기



-주소: 경기도 파주시 탄현면 법흥리 227-12

-전화번호 : 010-6342-2344

파주에 위치한 강아지 전용 수영장 스타독스를 소개 해드립니다.

먼저 넓은 잔디운동장을 갖춘것은 기본이고 애견수영장시설이 다른곳보다 매우 큽니다.

입장료는 사람 인당 6천운 강아지는 체중에 따라서 다르지만 최소 6천원부터 시작하며 수영장을 이용하기 위해서 1만원의 추가 요금을 내야합니다.

매점 에서는 강아지 간식이나 장난감을 판매하고 있으며 사람들이 먹을 수 있는 음료와 음식종류도 다양합니다.

또 외부음식을 가져올 수 있고 배달음식을 주문할 수도 있습니다.

수영장 앞에 설치된 실외공간에는 테이블과 의자가 배치 되어 있어 물놀이 하다가 중간에 음식을 취식 할 수 있습니다.

수영장은 매우 넓은 편이며 미끄럼틀 시설까지 있습니다.

수영 후에는 추가요금을 목욕시설을 이용할 수 있는데요 삼푸와 드라잉룸 까지 다 준비되어 있습니다.

스타독스 바로가기

애견펜션 추천 2022 BEST 5 충청남도편

<충청남도 애견펜션 추천>


애견펜션 추천 태안 “더마루”

-주소 : 충남 태안군 안면읍 삼봉길 72-30 더마루
-전화번호: 010-8989-3274
-입실 15:00 퇴실 11:00

태안에 위치한 더마루애견펜션은 대형견입실이 가능한 애견전문 펜션 입니다. 소형견은 1마리 무료이며 대형견도 추가요금을 내고 입실이 가능합니다.

대부분의 애견펜션은 무게제한이 있어서 대형견은 이용할 수 없는 경우가 많은데요 그런점에서 대형 반려견 인들 에게는 매우 추천 드리는 곳 입니다.

객실 별로 나무 데크 테라스에서 개별 바베큐가 가능하며 숙소 바로 앞에 인조잔디로 만들어진 운동장이 가까이에 위치하고 있습니다.

수영장은 실외, 실내 수영장 두가지 시설이 모두 되어 있습니다.

더마루애견펜션 보러가기


-주소: 충남 태안군 안면읍 꽃지2길 30-11 바람향기펜션
-전화번호 : 0507-1315-0820
-입실 15:00 퇴실11:00

애견동반펜션인 바람향기펜션은 안면도 꽃지해수욕장과 매우 가까운곳에 위치하고 있습니다.

이 펜션의 특징은 바베큐장을 다양한 컨셉으로 즐길 수 있다는 점입니다.

낭만포차, 감성캠핑, 달빛루프탑, 글램핑형식의 로맨틱캠핑 등 객실유형이 다양하여 원하는대로 선택할 수 있습니다.

반려견을 동반할 수 있고 또 숙소에서 다양한 분위기를 즐길 수 있다는점이 재미있는데요 애견 전문펜션은 아니기 때문에 물품은 따로 준비를 해주셔야 합니다.

바람향기펜션 보러가기

보령 “코나펜션”

-주소: 충남 보령시 해수욕장9길 2-43
-전화번호 : 0507-1438-4011
-입실 15:00 퇴실 11:00

코나펜션은 반려견 동반펜션입니다. 애견 동반펜션 분위기에 맞추어 상주견이 손님들을 맞아주기도 합니다.

펜션은 단층구조에 평수는 작은편이지만 대신 숙박비용이 매우 저렴하여 가성비가 좋다고 할 수 있습니다.

넓은 마당이 없는 대신 옥상에 인조잔디가 깔려있는 운동장이 있어서 반려견들이 더 안전하게 뛰어 놀 수 있습니다.

걸어서 해변가에 나가 바다를즐길 수 있는 거리에 위치하고 있는점도 특징입니다.

펜션에서 바베큐장을 이용할 수도 있지만 주변 바닷가에 애견동반음식점이 많아서 외식을 하는것도 추천드립니다.

코나펜션 보러가기


애견펜션 추천 청양 “평생사랑해줄개”

-주소 : 충남 태안군 고남면 구매길 72
-전화번호 : 010-9404-6357
-입실 15:00 퇴실 11:00

충남 안면도에 위치한 평생사랑해줄개 펜션은 애견전용펜션입니다. 1층에는 잔디로 된 넓은 운동장이 있습니다.

또 수영장이 매우 넓은데요 수영장에는 강아지 전용 튜브와 구명조끼까지 구비가 되어있습니다.

객실 내부는 복층으로 이루어져있으며 반려견을 위한 포토존이 다양하게 준비되어 있습니다.

이 펜션의 큰 장점은 강아지전용 욕조와 목욕시킬 수 있는시설이 완벽하게 설치되어 있는데도 따로 비용이 없다는 점 입니다.

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Wyndham Hotel Deerfield Beach and also Online Casino

Wyndham Aruba Seashore Retreat (Wyndham Hotel Deerfield Beach)

Wyndham Hotel Deerfield Beach: The Wyndham Aruba’s Intermezzo Day Spa allows attendees entirely to loosen up along with a calming physical body massage therapy in the middle of the relaxing noises of the falls renewing every exhausted muscle mass in the body system. Visitors may alleviate on their own to a terrific face that leaves behind the skin layer strict as well as rejuvenated after a lengthy time at the coastline. This health club is created to refresh all the feelings as well as carry the physical body, thoughts, as well as character right into tranquility for a full recreation trip.

The Wyndham Aruba Beach Resort and also Casino is snuggled on the widely known white-sand Palm Beach (Wyndham Hotel Deerfield Beach)

Along with 4 hundred seventy 9 rooms and also spaces skillfully adorned, each possessing a personal veranda. The lodging’s online casino is a twelve many thousand-square-foot casino sites where visitors may attempt their fortune as well as feel the adventure of gaining.

The Wyndham Aruba trip bundles feature round-trip transmissions in between the airport terminal as well as accommodation, conventional area cottages, or even various other area styles are likewise on call, tax obligations, gratuities as well as relevant hotel tolls on cottages. Take that upcoming excursion to Aruba and also remain at the fantastic Wyndham Aruba Beach Resort as well as Casino to possess one fantastic trip.

wyndham-hotel-deerfield-beach-and-also-online-casinoWyndham Aruba delivers 5 surprising bistros along with premium dishes to spoil each visitor’s taste buds, coming from the real Caribbean to multinational meals. The Pago encourages attendees along with exotic seductions consisting of a delicious five-course Chef’s banquet. The Greenhouse Restaurant possesses a wonderful perspective that looks over the swimming pool and also is a great location to take pleasure in morning meal or even example Caribbean specializes at their every night smorgasbord.

Wyndham Aruba uses 5 impressive dining establishments along with exquisite dishes to spoil each visitor’s taste

Coming from the genuine Caribbean to multinational meals. The Wyndham Aruba’s Intermezzo Day Spa permits visitors to unwind along with a comforting body system massage therapy among the soothing noises of the falls renewing every worn-out muscular tissue in the body system. Visitors may handle on their own a fantastic face that leaves behind the skin layer strict and also rejuvenated after a lengthy time at the seaside. Attendees are going to discover a lot of delights and also amusement at the Wyndham Aruba, certainly not to point out excellent outside tasks like windsurfing, deep-sea sportfishing, cruising, scuba diving, and also golf.

Attendees will discover a lot of delights and also amusement at the Wyndham Aruba, certainly not to discuss wonderful exterior tasks like windsurfing, deep-sea angling, cruising, scuba diving, and also golf. Take pleasure in all-small time sunshine and also the white-colored sand seaside, at that point revitalize as well as unwind along with massage therapy, manicure, face, or even physical body scrub at the hotels and resort’s brand-new Intermezzo Day Spa.

Visitors can easily additionally enjoy the hotel’s 3 1000 5 hundred square-foot fitness facility, purchasing gallery, health spa, water sporting activities, significant free-form swimming pool, 5 bistros, 4 barroom, ping pong courthouses, as well as close-by champion golf. And also naturally, visitors must certainly not miss out on the Wyndham Aruba’s ‘Cabaret Royale’ supper program and also dancing assortment program.

Hotel Alegria Lisbon Tripadvisor: An Overview

Sanibel Inn, Florida In 2022

Lots of people have related to Island Sanibel Inn, Florida only to find what the island needs to deliver: the white-colored sand seasides, the wonderful sundowns, the greatest shelling, creatures, great dining, free cottages, and a whole lot much more. If you are currently prepared for a serene vacation getaway to Sanibel Island, Florida, or if you are interested in a private island sanctuary, at that point the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida could be the perfect place for you to stay.

The Origin of Island Inn

Stories possess it that the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida started as the property of Will and Harriet Matthews and also their 4 children that sold the harsher environment of the north for the even more temperate, year-round weather of the isle of Sanibel. Consistently engaging friends and family members coming from the north that flocked to see the island, the Matthews decided to transform their property right into a boarding home, and also coming from there sprung the gracious tradition of the historic Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida that right now holds friends and families from around the world.

With an enduring heritage of engaging people, the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida welcomes a family-adapted strategy to service. The Island Inn, Florida is an optimal area for a wedding ceremony or household reunion.


The Beaches

The Island Inn, Florida possesses access to miles of beach fronts. This is the main reason that the Island Inn, Florida has long been taken into consideration as the perfect all-natural haven for individual restoration.


If you wish to savor what the island has to use, the Island Inn, Florida may give you a range of lodging outfitted along with standard conveniences. Every one of their facilities is available to fulfill the needs of virtually any individual, loved one, or group. Likewise, if you want to keep in contact with the remainder of the planet, this historical lodge maintains a broadband computer system link to the Internet in their principal lounger for the visitors’ use. Note that there is one on the house for this solution. The areas of this lodge are all outfitted along with information ports and free access to regional net relationships. So, if you are exploring Sanibel for a company sanctuary, the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida has everything you’ll require.

Sanibel Inn – Isle Fun for Everyone

In the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida, there are no age criteria for possessing excitement. Since this, loved ones of all grow older have been happening to this historic Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida browsing for new as well as new family members’ journeys.

Along with an enduring custom of enjoyable folks, the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida accepts a family-adapted strategy to the solution. The Island Inn, Florida is an ideal spot for a wedding or even a family member’s homecoming. If you prefer to savor what the island has to supply, the Island Inn, Florida may give you a wide array of lodging furnished along with standard facilities. If you are visiting  for a business sanctuary, the Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida possesses everything you’ll need to have.

Considering this, family members of all ages have been coming to this famous Island Inn of Sanibel, Florida browsing for new and fresh household journeys.

Margaritaville Hotel Pensacola Beach – Honest Review

Ski Resorts Top 10 For Downhill Skiing In 2022

Ski Resorts Top 10: You can discover what you desire in a ski resort in one of these leading ten locations. Elected the most effective 10 by visitors of SKI publication.

1. Ski Resorts Top 10 – Vail, Colorado:

This is a facility of three ski locations. Incorporated yet referred to as three distinctive winter sports areas. The Back Bowls is 3,017 acres. The frontside has 1,627 acres. An amazing place to ski with a downhill gone to delight one of the most innovative tourists. The brand-new Arrabelle Resort Facility is opening this year. The popular Blue Moon dining establishment is being refurbished. This is an adult playground with winter sports as a huge part of it. If snow does not fall there– they have a device to make their own as lots of hotels now do. According to tourists the most awful thing that can happen is your cellular phone solution does not operate at times. The desired getaway for you. The inclines in the daytime as well as clubs in the evening.

2. Deer Valley, Utah:

Ski on a total of six mountains. Bald Eagle Hill, Baldy, Little Baldy Height, Flagstaff Hill, Bald Mountain, and Realm. There are inclines for every single ability degree. Take your cravings to Snow Park Lodge for a wonderful seafood buffet. It is so large you are recommended to skip lunch. This resort area is family-friendly and there are some terrific sets, some with discounted lift tickets. Flagstaff Hill is particularly beginner-friendly. It uses children’s runs. There are backyards with names like Quincy’s Cabin, Bucky’s Backyard, and various other pleasant names. The kids will certainly enjoy it.

3. Snow Mass, Colorado:

This lovely hotel uses ski and snowboarding lessons for every age. There are lessons for the physically challenged to discover adaptive techniques of winter sports. The eight-passenger gondola takes skiers to the inclines in document time. Many visitors rent deluxe residences rather than remain at a resort in this glamorous location.

4. Ski Resorts Top 10 – Whistler/Blackcomb, British Columbia:

This hotel includes 8,171 acres. A thousand acres of high-alpine slopes are now available to intermediate-ability skiers. During the top period for skiing, the population will temporarily reach 30,000. Blackcomb Hill is one-of-a-kind. You can ski there in June as well as July. It is the only area in The United States and Canada that has glacier winter sports available to the public.


5. Park City, Utah:

The Wasatch mountains are 32 miles from Salt Lake City with 3 ski resorts within mins of the Park City. All attractive locations with adequate hotel spaces for 12,000 site visitors. Make certain to go to the Bad Butt Coffee Business for some quiet time along with terrific coffee.

6. Ski Resorts Top 10 – Breckenridge, Colorado:

This stunning location features skiing lessons consisting of personal direction. Recent Technologies include a brand-new gondola to take you from the car park to lifts. They include a party honoring the Norse god of snow yearly.

7. Aspen, Colorado:

You might call this a hotel for seasoned skiers just. There are no inclines marked for newbies. There’s a free bus service between the 4 hills in Aspen. You may see an efficiency by Lyle Lovett at the Wheeler Opera House or classical violinist at Harris Music hall. Pick up coffee and breakfast at the Key Road Bakeshop where the locals consume. It must be an excellent food.

8. Beaver Creek, Colorado:

This hotel remains in a strikingly beautiful area. The inclines wind gently in between walls of evergreen on either side. There are 180 brand-new acres open to skiers on the hill’s eastern edge. The Allegria Health Spa at the Park Hyatt Resort is a high-end indulging beauty salon. This is a luxury hotel however there are packages at the Pines Lodge. Go over to Red Tail Camp for a hamburger. An experience for all tourists.

9. Steamboat, Colorado:

Amazing hotel for university students on break. Snowboarding is preferred here. Make sure to visit the Thunderhead and Rendezvous for eating in an elegant setup on the mountain. If you book a remain between February 7 and February 11 you can participate in the “Boat Springs Winter Season Carnival.” It is the coldest winter season circus West of Kansas.

10. Ski Resorts Top 10 – Sun Valley, Idaho:

Children fifteen and also younger can stay in Sunlight Valley Firm resorts completely free when with a parent. One occasion is a cross-country ski trip at night ending at the Galena Lodge for a five-course supper.

The hotels are ranked by viewers of Ski Web. Presumably, the voters have snowboarding experience as well as have visited these resorts. Downhill skiing is a thrilling experience. Choose an incline proper for your skill degree. Buy designer ski coats. After that after a day of skiing– you can discover the nightlife scene. There may be a program or concert. Any one of these leading-rated resort towns will supply a unique getaway with several enjoyable activities consisting of special snowboarding occasions for everybody to join …

Port Macquarie Accommodation Stayz- Greatest Place

12 Sleeper Accommodation In Ballito Underrated

12 Sleeper Accommodation In Ballito is a small town on the west coast of South Africa, and it’s popular with tourists for its white sandy beaches and lively nightlife. Similarly, sleeper accommodation in Ballito is a great way to get a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 


So, if you’re looking for somewhere to relax and recharge your batteries, Ballito is the perfect place. Why not book yourself a room at one of the local accommodation options? You’ll love the peace that they offer, making them ideal places to spend a nice day away from it all.


To check out all the sleeper accommodation options, keep reading!


Ballito As A Holiday Destination:

The scenery in Ballito is simply stunning. The town is located on the east coast of the island and overlooks a beautiful bay. The roads winding around the bay are lined with brightly colored houses and protected by cliffs that drop down to the sea. 


There are many nice days to spend in Ballito, either exploring the town or taking a scenic walk along one of its many pathways. If you’re looking for a relaxing evening, then why not take in a performance at one of Ballito’s local theaters? Alternatively, venture out into the night and enjoy some delicious local food and wine.


What to expect from 12 Sleeper Accommodation In Ballito:

Ideally, you want to find a comfortable and affordable place to stay while on holiday in Ballito. If you’re planning on staying in a sleeper accommodation, be prepared for some surprises. 


First of all, it’s important to understand that Ballito is not the best place for a relaxed holiday. It can be quite hectic! In addition, the accommodation options are pretty limited, so book well in advance. 


The good news is that Ballito does have some great budget-friendly options, which include camping and homestays. You’ll also find plenty of midrange hotels and pensions, as well as luxurious villas and resorts if you’re looking for something more specialized. 


Whatever type of accommodation you choose, make sure to take into account your needs.


12 Sleeper Accommodation In Ballito Options:

Looking for a nice break in Ballito? Check out our list of sleeper accommodation options. From simple self-catering apartments to country lodges, we have something for everyone. 


With plenty of scenic walks and historic attractions within easy reach, you’ll have plenty to do during your stay in Ballito. And if the weather turns bad, you can always head to one of Ballito’s many cozy cafés for a warm cup of cocoa!


Let’s find out the best ones.


Beach Villa with Pool:

Predominant blue color with tones of white, this accommodation is the perfect summer getaway. Boasting 3 bedrooms, each with its ensuite bathroom and shower. It has a fully equipped kitchen with measurements that can easily accommodate large parties or even small conferences, there is no shortage of space in this well-designed villa!


12 Sleeper Accommodation In Ballito – Hawkins Drive Holiday House:

Hawkins Drive House is a cozy home fit for anyone looking to enjoy the last of their vacation at the beach before returning to civilian life. The house is pet friendly and located in an area with many great restaurants, shops, and pubs nearby.


Clarke Bay Beach House:

Surround yourself with nature in a comfortable private and spacious six-bedroom, four-bathroom beach house located at the edge of a very tranquil forest reserve. Just a 300m walk from Cape Vidal’s quiet and secluded beach faces the magnificent King Shaka International Airport runway.


Al Marrakesh Guest House:

Al Marrakesh Guest House is situated in the heart of the seaside town of Ballito. Whether it be the unrelenting African summer or freezing wintery nights, Al Marrakesh is a refuge where your stay will never be dull. This serene establishment intertwines traditional Arabic and African cultures to create a truly unique set of surroundings.


Mermaid’s Playground:

This prestigious house is modern, immaculate, and grand in scale. It’s furnished to the highest of standards and provides the perfect environment for a getaway with family or friends. Everything you need is here on this property, including beautifully appointed accommodation that has all the amenities you will require. 


Also, this luxury home enjoys magnificent ocean views that are simply breathtaking and offer an unparalleled level of uninterrupted view that’s rare in one of Africa’s most popular tourist destinations. Amongst its many unique offerings, this accommodation site includes a large pool and even includes pet-friendly facilities!


Nomax Beach House:

If you’re looking for a sweet little family getaway home where you can enjoy uninterrupted panoramic views of the sparkling-blue Ocean with your loved ones, then this luxurious ocean-themed NOMAX beach house is definitely what you have been dreaming about! Situated in the sought-after Ballito area in Thompsons Bay, this gorgeous home will make sure all your vacation wishes come true!


Hamilton Island Accommodation Stayz Joyous In 2022

Kimpton Shorebreak Resort Review: Is It The Best Beach Resort?

Kimpton Shorebreak – Sometimes when you’re planning a trip to California, it’s easy to think about the glitz and glam of places like Hollywood or Disneyland. Few cities in the state can compete with California’s surfing capital coastal city of Huntington Beach, though. With its relaxing vibe, picturesque beach scene, and variety of restaurants, shops, and other local businesses, few California destinations are as quintessentially Californian as this beach community. 


But, it’s important to plan out to the best resort in the city, because holidaymakers don’t want any day missed with adventure or any other misconception that could lead to disappointment. So, that’s why we suggest why don’t you choose  Kimpton Shorebreak Resort. AND, here it’s a complete review.


Kimpton Shorebreak Resort Review:

The Shorebreak Hotel is an eclectic venue, located in the heart of Huntington Beach, just across the road from the water’s edge. The hotel’s laid-back atmosphere makes it a favorite among leisure and business travelers alike. Rooms run a bit small but come equipped with spacious showers, and some suites have large terraces.


AND, if a guest falls in love with anything, it’s Kimpton Shorebreak Hotel’s stellar customer service. The hotel’s dedication to attending to even the smallest of details is what keeps customers coming back time and time again. Many guests find themselves returning to the property for its convenient beachfront location, as well as its relaxing atmosphere, which features fire pits throughout the courtyard. 


But everyone agrees that no matter how they feel at any given time while staying at this resort in Huntington Beach, CA, one thing that can be certain is that their desires are always taken care of by well-trained staff who are committed to making sure those needs are met with kind efficiency.


Surprisingly, Previous guests have enjoyed the comfortable and accommodating rooms of this Kimpton hotel. These are decorated in blue and white furniture and contain Italian Frette linens and flat-screen TVs. 


Also, most of the guests enjoy spending time on the beach or relaxing in their rooms before bedtime, where they can also unwind by utilizing yoga mats or unwinding next to one of their room’s private balconies. Travelers also praise Pacific Hideaway, the bar, and restaurant run by this hotel that offers casual coastal cuisine for dinner.


A social hour is featured daily at this resort, which includes complimentary beverages. It’s a chance to mingle when not busy – hour-long networking sessions can be hard! Since IHG Rewards program members enjoy benefits like free Wi-Fi access, you may want to hold your meetings outside on the patio in between social hours, so nobody misses any of the fun.


Kimpton Shorebreak Location & Parking:

Located in the heart of Huntington Beach, California, the Kimpton hotel is just five miles from the ocean and a mile away from the Huntington Pier. The area surrounding the hotel is pedestrian-friendly, close to restaurants, shopping, and popular entertainment. The International Surfing Museum is less than half a mile from the hotel, and so is the Huntington Beach Art Center.



Pacific Hideaway’s menu changes with the seasons — even if the name of its dishes remains the same. Laidback is how you describe an atmosphere that corresponds to a beach town as it does at Kimpton Shorebreak. And this restaurant has a bar where guests can enjoy a cocktail.


A Special Welcome To The Kids:

Families are considered very highly at the Kimpton Shorebreak Resort. As soon as you arrive, your children will receive their VIP welcome gift, and they’ll get to go to their animal-themed bathroom during your stay. The hotel can pair grown-ups with babysitters if they want some time out together, or the kids could rent scooters or ride in a stroller while staying here.



Kimpton Shorebreak Resort has an on-site fitness center that provides a wide berth for a good workout. It is equipped with weight-training and cardio machines. Guests can utilize the facilities 24 hours a day. 


Another thing, Kimpton Shorebreak Resort also makes it easy for visitors to stay in top shape on their vacation, offering each guest room with a personal yoga mat, as well as gym equipment available at all hours of the day. The hotel also has bikes available for guest use if guests would prefer active travel around the area. 



Pet-friendly hotels allow you to bring your pet with you when you travel. Pet owners appreciate this very much because they get the best of both worlds – they can take their pets wherever they go while they enjoy these vacations on the many beaches the Caribbean region has to offer. 


No wonder it’s such a favorite destination for dog and cat lovers everywhere! Pets are welcomed at the property if they’re well-behaved and don’t hurt any of our staff or other guests. 


RACV Noosa Accommodation – You Have To Go There In 2022!

Hotel Alegria Lisbon Tripadvisor: An Overview

Hotel Alegria Lisbon Tripadvisor – The Lisbon City Center Hotel is a fantastic 3-star hotel. It is located in the heart of the central Lisbon neighborhood where you can enjoy restaurants, bars, and shops in addition to many wonderful places of interest such as Rossio Square.


Algeria means happiness, and we are certain that happiness is what it will be for you when you stay with Algeria, Á Lisbon Boutique Hotel. Similarly, what could go wrong when you’re staying at a reputable heritage accommodation location that offers guests safety deposit boxes for their belongings? 


This prime location located in the center of Lisbon is close to Liberty Avenue, which showcases some of the city’s most historic buildings and is often traversed by visitors preferring not to travel meters away from all the city’s best-known sights. 


Moreover, the hotel venue is surrounded by lush parks, lots of greenery, a contemporary art gallery, cultural cafés, and museums. It’s also in proximity to the beaches, so you can occasionally take a swim in the Atlantic Ocean if visiting between May and October.


Hotel Algeria, Lisbon Surroundings:

The Algeria Hotel is in the center of Lisbon on Praça da Algeria, close to Avenida da Liberdade. One of the best things about staying at the hotel is that you’ll be within walking distance of many local amenities such as restaurants, bars, and shops. 


Since the Praça da Alegria can get noisy at night, it’s better to stay in a room that overlooks it rather than one that faces the street.


Shops, restaurants, and bars are close by. You can spend your whole afternoon sightseeing in the city center thanks to public transport links – a short distance from a metro station will bring you to Time Out Market Lisboa. The 1902-built elevator “Santa Justa Lift” provides a great view of Lisbon’s historical sites.


Hotel Alegria Lisbon Tripadvisor – Inside The Hotel Algeria, Lisbon

When planning on staying at the hotel in the heart of Lisbon, you can expect to have access to video-on-demand (VOD) systems, satellite/cable, and high-speed internet as well as flat-screen televisions and luxurious en suite bathrooms. 


Some of the other features available to guests include Wi-Fi access, spa tubs, and telephone FaceTime! Also, you can check out their room service if you’re particularly interested in their tasty desserts.


Furthermore, guest rooms at the Algeria Lisbon are in all sorts of colors that you wouldn’t normally expect including red and blue, are super comfy, have hardwood floors, and awesome desks. 


They also have soundproof windows and air conditioning. Satellite TV lets guests not only see but hear about what else is happening around the world, or just catch up on a good movie or show! 


You can even make a call to someone far away if you want to talk it out over the phone instead. We love all of these amenities here hotel-especially hearing about them from our guests who stay there often! The best part is how quiet it is. This means you get to experience more tranquil nights during your stay with us here at one of our locations!


Hotel Algeria is anchored between the leafy Parque da Algeria and riled Ibirapuera Park Street. Right in the middle of this green area, this hotel offers 35 fresh rooms with splashes of bright colors to its clients at very affordable rates. 


When you step into this establishment from the park or street, you will be welcomed by the lobby’s marbled flooring, colorful flowers arranged neatly in vases, and attractive interior designs. 


Throughout the hotel, one will find a traditional design creation that combines both modern décor and elements inspired by the Kodachrome film camera brand logo for a unique but attractive experience.


AND, finally, the bathrooms in this hotel have a facelift! The floors are tiled, and all bathrooms feature sinks. Most rooms have showers and there is a hairdryer available in all bathrooms.


Hotel Algeria, Lisbon Amenities:

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and guests won’t have to worry about where to go for early morning fuel because it is served in the breakfast room each morning. Holidaymakers can choose from European and American dishes at the breakfast. 


The on-site lounge offers a range of drinks that are well worth a tipple or two! Humberto Delgado airport can be reached via car within 15 minutes drive from Hotel Algeria, Lisbon.


Hotel Alegria Lisbon Tripadvisor – Refund or Cancellation Policy:

Algeria Lisbon Hotel has room rates you can book which are fully refundable. If you’ve decided to go with a fully refundable room rate, then these can be canceled up to a few days before check-in, unless the hotel has an alternative cancellation policy.


Hotel Skypark Kingstown Dongdaemun, a luxurious glance 



Hamilton Island Accommodation Stayz Joyous In 2022

Hamilton Island Accommodation

Hamilton Island Accommodation Stayz – When you stay on Hamilton Island, you’ll be close to the Great Barrier Reef and Whitehaven Beach, both in the Whitsundays. As well as well-known bars and eateries, a wide range of lodging options, a vast range of activities, and several remarkable modern landmarks, Hamilton Island is home to both the Hamilton Island Yacht Club and the Hamilton Island Golf Club, to name just a couple.

Hamilton Island is more than just a famous tourist destination in the Whitsundays. In addition, it’s a vibrant, well-established village with a resident population of about 1,000 people and an intriguing past. Captain Cook first saw the island in 1770, and it became a famous tourist destination in the 1970s and 1980s after years of Aboriginal occupation. To maintain Hamilton Island’s status as a world-class vacation destination, the island’s infrastructure and facilities are constantly improved.

Hamilton Island is the only island accessible year-round with its airport and private marina. On the mainland, there is a daily ferry service. There are no cars on the island, and tourists can explore it on foot, via the Island’s shuttle service, or by golf buggy. A medical center, various boutiques, a hairdresser, a post office, and a general store are just some of the amenities available on the island to ensure a peaceful vacation. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway for two or a family vacation, you’ll find a wide variety of lodging options in the area.

The island’s climate is moderate year-round, and during school breaks, a variety of family-friendly activities are available. At WILDLIFE Hamilton Island, you can get up and personal with koalas, kangaroos, and even a crocodile.

A vacation at Hamilton Island, one of Australia’s most popular and prestigious resort islands, is a beautiful experience! Unlike Airlie Beach, the most popular resort in the Whitsundays, it has the beauty and appeal of island life that can only be found on a warm, tropical island. In addition to beaches where you may go snorkeling and explore, the town is encircled by water and reef. Hamilton Island has over 60 different activities and attractions for visitors to enjoy, including 4X4 driving, mini-golf, paddleboarding, and much more. As a high-end private resort, the island relies on ferries to transport its commodities and resources; therefore, some trips and activities can be pricy. The same can be said of the island’s restaurants, which provide a wide range of prices depending on where you choose to eat.

Starting your vacation in Hamilton, followed by an overnight boat ride and then a few days in Airlie Beach, are beautiful ways to make the most of your time in the Whitsundays. Here are a few possibilities for your Hamilton Island vacation, all of which our travel agents can assist you with booking.

Options for lodging at Hamilton Island Accommodation Stayz

  • 5-star luxury resort lodging at Qualia
  • The Beach Club is an adults-only haven on the coast.
  • A four-star hotel with a family-friendly atmosphere, the Reef View Hotel
  • Yacht Club Villas at Hamilton Island Yacht Club Villas with four self-contained bedrooms


Getting around the island of Hamilton

One of the best and most satisfying ways to go around the island is walking. The island is slightly under two square miles and is car-free.

Walking around the island is a great way to take in the laid-back ambiance and stunning landscape, as there are infinite walking routes built out across the island. In addition, the marina is only a 10-minute walk from the resort side.

You can also use the free bus service to move about the island if your feet feel too tired. Between the Resort Center and Marina Village, this service runs every day from 7.30 am to 10.45 pm. One of the best and most popular ways to travel around is to lease one electric golf buggies, which can be rented for a modest cost. Some lodgings offer a complimentary buggy as part of your reservation.

On Hamilton Island, how long do you plan to stay?

Hamilton Island Accommodation Stayz – Finding out how long you’ll be staying in Hamilton Islands luxury accommodations and taking advantage of all the other benefits that come with such a vacation is always worthwhile. At least four days, if not five, should be allotted to see the Great Barrier Reef in all its glory and experience island life.

The best time to visit Hamilton Island is during the summer months. Hamilton Island is best visited in April and June with its year-round attractiveness. Temperatures aren’t too high, the sky is clear, there’s little rain, and there’s a lot of sunshine during this period.

While the island isn’t as congested as it usually is at this time of year, the stinging season is only a few weeks away so you can swim without stinger suits.


Margaritaville Hotel Pensacola Beach – Honest Review
